Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its been a while.....

So I have taken a big break from blogging. No real reason but I have been reading blogs and reading other things and starting my senior year of college.

Now from my readings in blogs and the oh so great facebook notes I have noticed that a lot of people talked about the election before and during the process but afterwards the posts have really stop in regards to politics. Now I am not saying this as something to shock you but it was just something that I noticed.

During the discussions of the election, things about the war (or wars however you see it) in the Middle East came up quite frequently. Now I agree with some peoples stances on the war and I disagree with other peoples stances on the war. There are some people out there that support the war and some people that disagree with the war.

I can see reasonable arguments for both opinions of the war but the thing that gets to me the most is when people so strongly oppose the war that at times appears that they do not support the troops that are over there. This really irritates me because I have family over there and the fact that people do not support them makes me wonder about that person. How can you not support someone who is risking their lives during a time when they are doing something that maybe they don't necessarily agree with or during a time that they are so far away from their families?

During the election, I heard someone mention something about the troops are being brainwashed to fight. I can not express in words how upset that made me. I have had two grandfathers that have been a part of wars when they were younger and they are so proud of the time that they spent defending our country. I am very proud of them too. I have learned so much about life from them and what they have been through in order for me to have the life that I have. I do not think that they could ever thank them enough.

I understand that some people do not support the war but to not support the troops that are involved and have been involved in wars is something that will never make any sense to me. If someone can explain to me how you can not support these brave men and women who voluntarily decide to join the arm forces please let me know.

Monday, March 3, 2008


So I switched over from Internet Explorer to Safari on my Dell PC today and so far so good. I like the way that Safari looks and I like the options that are available with it. I'll be sure and update with information about good or bad over the next couple of days. As of now, though, I have not had anything to complain about. Oh yeah! I have been listening to some Bob Marley recently. Thanks to Joe Farmer! I used to listen to him a lot last year but I had to switch computers and lost all of the music that was on my other computer, which included all my Marley. So now that I have some again, I have been thoroughly enjoying it. So again thanks Joe and everyone should get your hands on some Marley if you don't some already. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The man you see in this picture is Mahatma Gandhi. I knew of this man and a few things that he stood for but we watched a film about him in one of classes for the past few class sessions and I learned so much more about him. The main thing that I learned was his style of leadership. He led by example and never expected his followers to do things that he would not do himself. He, also, knew what he wanted to accomplish and was very very determined to accomplish it. He believed very highly that the best way of getting things done was through non-violence. I think is a good idea but I am afraid by expanding this further it will stir up thoughts that I do not want to stir up with this post. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the causes that he stood for. An example of this was when the muslims and hindus were fighting amongst each other, which something that was the very opposite of what he wanted, he was willing to fast until the fighting stopped. He did this twice and was close to death each time. If you are interested in more information about Gandhi, I have found this website to have a lot of information about this man. ( )

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Thoughts on Steriods

Sorry for the interuption but if you have subscribed to this blog before today please subscribe to this link ( ) now as I have began to use Feed Burner. Thank You!!.....

I guess my number 1 problem with steriods is the fact that it does damage to the body that someone voluntarily allows someone else to either inject into their body or ingest. Steriods have done so much damage to so many people and that is why it is illegal in the U.S. Also if it is illegal in the U.S., why shouldn't it be illegal in all forms of sports not just professional? I think that every athlete, including high school athletes, should have to be drug tested for a huge range of drugs not just steriods.

Another reason that I have a problem with steriods is that it doesn't really help that much. It is not going to improve your hand eye coordination or your speed. The only thing that steriods do is add muscle mass and neck craters and backne (back acne)(See picture posted for examples of neck craters).

I guess another reason why I have a problem with steriods is that so many athletes have been very successful without using steriods. I mean come on Babe Ruth was one of the greatest players in baseball history and he did it on hot dogs and beer.

Monday, February 18, 2008

America's Pastime

Spring Training for the upcoming baseball season has officially started! I am excited for this for 2 reasons. 1) The end of constant he said she said steriods talk and 2) I get to watch the sport that I love watching the most.

Reason #1 is becoming very annoying and they are proving nothing other than the fact that you can't truely prove who is and who isn't taking steriods unless maybe you have some paper trail or a video of you with your face to the camera and you saying your name as the needle goes in and the words steriod in big bold print is on the syringe. I might do a seperate blog on steriods later because that would make this post entirely too long.

Reason #2 is so exciting to me! I can't wait to see guys playing baseball. I would watch all of the spring training game if I could I just love the game. I can't wait until my schoolmates start their season. There is nothing like watching sitting down on the bleachers on a warm spring or summer day eating popcorn or a hotdog and hearing the chatter of fans and players coming together.

AHHH Baseball season can not come soon enough!!!!! Oh yeah, I almost forget......This is the Reds year to win their division and make the playoffs and maybe even make it to the World Series.......GO REDS!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Grace Experience

These are the images of the Grace Experience at the RA Conference at Malone College. This was a room that was setup to show all kinds of grace and what grace looks like. These images are posted to show you some of the ideas that they came up with.

The room that it was in....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

RA Conference @ Malone

I am currently sitting a coffee shop at Malone College and I am here for an RA Conference that is interesting at best. The speaker tonight was somewhat questionable. Didnt make much sense. There was this thing called "Grace Experience" that was very good. I am going back tomorrow to get real pictures of it. I took pictures with my phone but they didnt turn out too good and I want good pictures of it. Tomorrow looks somewhat questionable with some of the sessions they are offering. I need get a better attitude about this conference b.c I am afraid that my bad attitude about it might be wearing off on others. I am looking foward to one of the sessions tomorrow so hopefully that will make this whole things worth while.